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时间:2018-09-18 23:21:40来源:本站编辑 作者:本站编辑阅读:




荣获河南省学术技术带头人河南省五四青年奖章、河南省“中原千人计划”领军人才、河南省科技创新杰出青年河南省高校科技创新杰出人才信阳师范学院首批“南湖学者”信阳市青年科技专家信阳师范学院十佳教师、优秀教师、优秀共产党员等荣誉称号;河南省青年科技工作者协会理事河南省化学与材料青年学者联合会常务副理事长,国际期刊《Journal of carbon research》副主编。6次被评为河南省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师;获河南省自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖6项,二等奖12项。

近年来已在Nano EnergyNano LettersJournal of Materials Chemistry ABiosensors and Bioelectronics等学术刊物上发表SCI论文160多篇,SCI论文引用8000H指数52ESI高被引论文13;出版学术著作2授权国家发明专利14件;主持国家自然科学基金项目4河南省科技创新团队、河南省高校科技创新团队、中国博士后特别资助计划项目和中国博士后一等资助计划项目1项、河南省自然科学基金项目2


1、E-mail: kejinghuang@163.com




















1. Fu-Ting Wang, Yi-Han Wang, Jing Xu, Ke-Jing Huang*, Zhen-hua Liu, Yun-fei Lu, Shu-yu Wang, Zi-wei Han, Boosting performance of self-powered biosensing device with high-energy enzyme biofuel cells and cruciform DNA, Nano Energy 68 (2020) 104310.

2. Honglei Shuai, Jing Xu*,, Kejing Huang*, Progress in retrospect of electrolytes for secondary magnesium batteries, Coordination Chemistry Reviews 422 (2020) 213478.

3. Xu Wu, Huanhuan Zhang, Zi-Bo Zhai, Jing Xu, Ke-Jing Huang*, Tellurium-impregnated P-doped porous carbon nanosheets as both cathode and anode for an ultrastable hybrid aqueous energy storage, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8 (2020) 17185-17192.

4. Zi-Bo Zhai, Ke-Jing Huang*, Xu Wu, Superior mixed Co-Cd selenide nanorods for high performance alkaline battery-supercapacitor hybrid energy storage, Nano Energy 47 (2018) 89-95.

5. Xing-Chen Xie, Ke-Jing Huang*, Xu Wu, Metal-organic framework derived hollow materials for electrochemical energy storage, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6 (2018) 6754-6771.

6. Ling-Li Xing, Ke-Jing Huang*, Sheng-Xi Cao, Huan Pang, Chestnut shell-like Li4Ti5O12 hollow spheres for high-performance aqueous asymmetric supercapacitors, Chemical Engineering Journal 332 (2018) 253-259.

7. Ying-Xu Chen, Ke-Jing Huang*, Liu-Liu He, Yi-Han Wang, Tetrahedral DNA probe coupling with hybridization chain reaction for competitive thrombin aptasensor, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 100 (2018) 274-281.

8. Ying-Xu Chen, Ke-Jing Huang*, Ke-Xin Niu, Recent advances in signal amplification strategy based on oligonucleotide and nanomaterials for microRNA detection-a review, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 99 (2018) 612-624.

9. Hong-Lei Shuai, Xu Wu, Ke-Jing Huang*, Zi-Bo Zhai, Ultrasensitive electrochemical biosensing platform based on spherical silicon dioxide/molybdenum selenide nanohybrids and triggered Hybridization Chain Reaction, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 94 (2017) 616–625.

10. Yi-Han Wang, Ke-Jing Huang*, Xu Wu, Recent advances in transition-metal dichalcogenides based electrochemical biosensors: A review, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 97 (2017) 305–316.

11. Hong-Lei Shuai, Ke-Jing Huang*, Ying-Xu Chen, Lin-Xia Fang, Meng-Pei Jia, Au nanoparticles/hollow molybdenum disulfide microcubes based biosensor for microRNA-21 detection coupled with duplex-specific nuclease and enzyme signal amplification, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 89 (2017) 989–997.

12. Ke-Jing Huang*, Hong-Lei Shuai, Ji-Zong Zhang, Ultrasensitive sensing platform for platelet-derived growth factor BB detection based on layered molybdenum selenide–graphene composites and Exonuclease III assisted signal amplification, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 77 (2016) 69–75.

13. Hong-Lei Shuai, Ke-Jing Huang*, Ling-Li Xing, Ying-Xu Chen, Ultrasensitive electrochemical sensing platform for microRNA based on tungsten oxide-graphene composites coupling with catalyzed hairpin assembly target recycling and enzyme signal amplification, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 86 (2016) 337–345.

14. Xue Liu, Ji-Zong Zhang, Ke-Jing Huang*, Pan Hao, Net-like molybdenum selenide–acetylene black supported on Ni foam for high-performance supercapacitor electrodes and hydrogen evolution reaction, Chemical Engineering Journal 302 (2016) 437–445.

15. Lin-Xia Fang, Ke-Jing Huang*, Yang Liu, Novel electrochemical dual-aptamer-based sandwich biosensor using molybdenum disulfide/carbon aerogel composites and Au nanoparticles for signal amplification, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 71 (2015) 171-178.

16. Ke-Jing Huang*, Yu-Jie Liu, Ji-Zong Zhang, Jun-Tao Cao, Yan-Ming Liu, Aptamer/Au nanoparticles/cobalt sulfide nanosheets biosensor for 17β-estradiol detection using a guanine-rich complementary DNA sequence for signal amplification, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 67 (2015) 184191.

17. Ke-Jing Huang*, Yu-Jie Liu, Hai-Bo Wang, Ya-Ya Wang, Yan-Ming Liu, Sub-femtomolar DNA detection based on layered molybdenum disulfide/multi-walled carbon nanotube composites, Au nanoparticle and enzyme multiple signal amplification, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 55 (2014)195-202.